• High blood pressure happens when your body is signaling that you are water deficient. You are not sick, you are thirsty, as Dr. F. Batmanghelidj says in his book Your Body’s Many Cries for Water. I have many clients who are put on high blood pressure tablets when all they need to do is drink sufficient water regularly.
  • Your body is a complex mechanism which requires water to transport hormones, nutrients and nerve impulses from A to B in the body. Without water, things cannot ‘flow’ in the body, so if you are dehydrated, the heart has to work harder to get the blood around the system, and organs and glands cannot function optimally any longer.
  • You need to drink between 1 1/2 and 2 litres of water (60 – 80 oz) a day, more if it is hot outside, if you exercise or if you have the central heating on in winter.
  • Tea, coffee and fruit juices dehydrate you, even though they contain water. So for every cup of tea or coffee or glass of fruit juice you drink you have to add another glass of water to your 1 1/2 – 2 litres (60-80 oz) a day.
  • If you are on blood pressure tablets, please continue with them. Once you are drinking sufficient water, speak to your doctor to start slowly phasing out your high blood pressure tablets.
  • When you drink water, please don’t drink water from the tap. While this water has been cleaned, it cannot be cleaned to a standard that is helpful for your wellbeing. Some areas in the UK add fluoride to their water. Fluoride is actually a toxic gas and if you are unwell, this adds to the toxins in your body. Countries who do not add fluoride to their drinking water have no higher incidents of tooth decay than countries who don’t, so do use a toothpaste which is fluoride free. The FDA in the US now requires a poison warning on all fluoride toothpastes sold in the US.
  • Make sure you use a water filter jug that has at least three different filtration systems to exclude as many metals and other noxious substances from the water as possible. Filter any water you use for drinking and making hot beverages with.
  • Without drinking enough water, even the best supplements won’t go into your cells. All supplements need a ‘vehicle’ to take them into the cells. Without water, supplements cannot go into the cells, and without water, toxins cannot be flushed out of the cells

Do you know what fillings you have in your teeth? Do you have any amalgams or root canal fillings? Stand in front of a mirror and open your mouth wide. What fillings can you see? What colour are they? If you have grey-silver fillings, they contain over 50% mercury, a highly toxic metal.
But even if you don’t have amalgam fillings, you can still have a problem with mercury toxicity.

Here are some reasons why you may suffer with mercury toxicity:

  • If your mother had amalgam fillings in her teeth while she was pregnant with you, it will come from her. A mother detoxes via the baby. Post-natal depression after giving birth may have something to do with this.
  • If you have root canal fillings that were put in a long time ago, these may have been filled with amalgam before the crown was put on top.
  • Many vaccinations have thimerosal, a form of mercury, in them as preservatives.
  • If you have had amalgam fillings in your teeth and had them changed without doing a specific metal detox afterwards, you will still have the mercury in the body.
  • If you eat fish regularly, you are also likely to have acquired toxic metals, including mercury, as some fish such as tuna, marlin and swordfish is strongly polluted.
  • If you are taking recreational drugs, these can result in you having toxic metals in your body.
  • If you live/d in an industrialised area or if your parents work/ed in an industry where any of the above metals are used, this may also account for the metals in your body.
  • If you have red tattoos, they contain mercury.

Mercury toxicity can lead to the following health problems:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • headaches
  • loss of sex drive
  • numbness and tingling in hands/arms
  • irritability
  • hair loss
  • asthma
  • MS (multiple sclerosis)
  • epileptic fits
  • learning difficulties
  • irregular heartbeat and racing heart
  • chest pains
  • immune suppression
  • auto-immune diseases
  • birth defects
  • infertility
  • inflammation of the digestive tract
  • allergies and skin rashes

and many more.

Your feet, just like your armpits, are very effective in releasing sweat, and because our feet get sweaty in the slightly moist environment of socks and shoes, our feet tend to sweat more than our armpits.

Vinegar footbaths help open the pores and sweat glands of your feet and thereby facilitate the release of toxins like, for example, toxic metals.

If you go through periods of being particularly stressed or or if you consume alcohol, coffee and nicotine on a regular basis, you are putting pressure on your autonomic nervous system which creates additional stresses building up in the body.

Why vinegar footbaths are good for you

They detox the whole body, make your skin feel softer and support the healing of warts and fungal infections on your feet. They also help draw out lymph impurities from the body and assist smoother lymphflow.


  1. Pour a mixture of 1.5 litres of very warm water with 250ml of apple cider vinegar into a
    washing up/foot bowl.
  2. Leave your feet in this water-vinegar solution for about 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse your feet briefly with water.
  4. Massage some olive oil into your feet and put socks on.

Carry out the vinegar footbaths once a day for 2 weeks, then stop for 4 weeks before repeating.

As vinegar is antiseptic, you can reuse the same water-vinegar solution every two days.
Just keep the used water in an old saucepan and warm it up when you want to use it again.

If you are having problems falling asleep or sleeping through the night, here is a simple way to help yourself. The method is one often used by counsellors and therapists and is called Progressive Muscle Relaxation.

Starting with your feet,  slowly tense and relax the muscles in your feet.
Do this with your eyes closed, and while you are physically tensing and relaxing your feet, imagine at the same time what your feet look like if you could see them.

Now do the same with your

  • lower legs/calves
  • upper legs and buttocks
  • abdominal/belly area
  • chest area
  • hands and arms (clench your fists and tense arm muscles)
  • shoulders and face (hunch up shoulders, frown and grit your teeth)

If you have had sleeping problems for a long time, your thoughts will drift off in between and you might get anxious about not sleeping or bored with the exercise. If this happens, start again. I know it’s tedious, but it also helps your body to relax a little bit more every time you do the exercise. The more relaxed your body gets, the easier it becomes to go to sleep.

If you are having problems with tightness anywhere in your body, only tense that area very gently or even just imagine tensing that area rather than doing it in reality.

Additional tips if you have problems sleeping:

  • Use a normal alarm clock, not your mobile/cell phone.
  • Charge your mobile/cell phone outside your bedroom, not inside your bedroom.
  • If your mobile is in your bedroom at night, turn it OFF.
  • Stop screen time from TV, tablet or phone at least 30 minutes before you want to go to sleep.


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Is it your child, partner or parent who is ill?
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If you have any questions, please use the contact form and just ask.
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